Back Into the Valley
The Skids, Dunfermline Alhambra Theatre. March 6th 2010.
Another comeback for the Skids this time as part of the Fifer Festival and the culmination of a weeks celebration of the works of Richard Jobson, as unlikely as that may seem. The Alhambra is a lovely venue, plenty of space and a good stage, facilities and sound system unlike many others.
The band did not dissappoint the hordes of fans, many of whom must have had stitches after a couple of trips to the moshpit. All the classics were in evidence although I could have done without the acoustic encores. A genuine sense of community seemed to pervade the venue as the crowd carried on songs after the band had finished, and then the band picked them up again.
Jobson is over fond of speechifying but the rest of the band frequently interjected to keep the whole thing down to earth, notably Bruce Watson's invocation of the names of Dunfermline street gangs of the 70's as he took the stage.
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