A Mogul Who Would Rebuild New Orleans - New York Times
A Mogul Who Would Rebuild New Orleans - New York Times
"Many of the business elite of New Orleans seem preoccupied these days by what some here simply call The List - the chosen few Mayor C. Ray Nagin is expected to name on Friday to a commission to advise him on the rebuilding of the stricken city. Almost certain to make the grade is the real estate mogul Joseph C. Canizaro, the man best known for bringing high-rises to the New Orleans skyline.
Mr. Canizaro has emerged as perhaps the single most influential business executive from New Orleans. One fellow business leader calls him the local Donald Trump. But Mr. Canizaro derives his influence far less from a flamboyant style than from his close ties to President Bush as well as to Mr. Nagin, and that combination could make him a pivotal figure in deciding how and where New Orleans will be resurrected. "
Who would have thought it? Super-rich cronies of Bush will get the chance to shape New Orleans resurrection. I wonder what priority poor people will get in their plans? Yeah, I wonder. Oh, Canizaro is a 'ranger' - one of the top donators to Bush. Bit of back scratching going on.
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