The Gutter Twins
The Gutter Twins
Glasgow Òran Mór Monday 8th April 2008
It was with some trepidation that I went to see the new project from Afghan Whigs/Twilight Singers frontman Greg Dulli, The Gutter Twins. The project sees him working with ex-Screaming Trees mumbler Mark Lanegan and when I saw Lanegan joining the Twilight Singers live last year I wasn't too impressed.
This time was better but it was lacking something. The venue was packed but the crowd were very static although enthusiastic. This was largely down to the unfamiliar material being played.
Dulli also took the energy out of the event when one of the first times he talked to the crowd he gave a lecture about why you shouldn't film the gig. I know that it must be annoying to have a camera stuck in your face for the whole performance but grabbing a clip on you phone or your camera is no big deal and doesn't mean that your not paying attention or whatever. From what I saw it was the hardcore fans who were down the front for an hour before the gig started who were doing most of the filming, I think they deserve more respect. Artists lecturing the audience is one of my pet hates, if the audience is talking, drinking or taking pictures then you need to make them pay attention. Tickets for the gig last night were not cheap and the audience deserve better than that.
I only took the one clip and it was so dark that you can't see much.
Things picked up towards the end of the set and the long encore. I didn't recognise any of Lanegan's solo stuff but it went down well with his many fans in the crowd.
:: | 1:42 pm | | ||
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