Hands off our cock!
The plans to 'redevelop' the old town, i.e. tear down community resources and social housing and build 5 star hotels, seemed to have suffered a welcome setback when the New Labour council were ousted from Edinburgh last month. But you can't keep evil down for long, like Dracula in a cheesy Hammer sequel they just keep coming back and back.
And this time they are after our cock.
"Yesterday, Tuesday the of 19th June 2007 criminal damage was committed to a Listed Victorian Building in Edinburgh`s Old Town.
The Victorian bell tower and weather vein were removed from The Canongate Venture building which is earmarked for demolition by Caltongate Developers, Mountgrange Plc. They insist it be demolished to make way for their planned 5 star hotel and conference centre."The whereabouts of the weather vein, affectionately called “Jock the Weathercock” are not known, the wooden bell tower was found in pieces in a skip.
Unplanned work on a Listed building is a criminal offence, the Planning Department is directly opposite the Canongate Venture.
SOOT (Save Our Old Town) campaigners believe that the council are removing architectural features in order to get a smooth decision to demolish the building.
Questions need to be asked about whether the council are doing the dirty work for the developers in order to demolish a building that is in good order and still in use."
Good luck to the Save our Old Town campaigners!
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