Who'll watch the Watchmen?
Rumours abound that the long planned film of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' classic graphic novel Watchmen will finally start filming in Prague this year. Watchmen was a very dark, intense, complex and heavily layered work which used parallel stories and subplots and recurrent imagery to tell the tale. At times violent and squalid at others epic and fantastic. I am not optimistic that Holywood will tell this tale well, one only needs to see the films made from Moore's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and From Hell to see how badly this can go (LXG was also filmed in Prague). Terry Gilliam planned to bring Watchmen to the screen for years, finally pronouncing it unfilmable. Already it seems the ending has been changed as tales of mass carnage in NYC don't play too well with cinema audiences these days.
Avoid disappointment, read it instead!
Watchmen Film Update
Here's another script.
Ralph Hildebrandt's Annotated Watchmen
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This is an archived story. See current posts here!